Covid Government Regulation Taxation Woke

Nov. 28, 2021

This week:  the latest Covid-19 developments; the breakdown of law-and-order in the United States; the Salvation Army goes “woke”; media malpractice; and a wee bit of good news.

First a Rant:

I do my best to “curate” the materials I post on this blog.  By that I mean I try not to post the analysis of others without first grounding them in the source materials used in that analysis.  For example, suppose commentators disseminate a critique of the Covid vaccines; quoting a particular source or “expert”.  I try to locate the source document(s) and read them myself and also attempt to verify the credentials and methods of the person(s) who authored that source material.  Same goes for videos from “experts” – what are their qualifications, background, affiliations, etc.?  This as one might expect, can take a great deal of time.

This exercise in curation is quite necessary (unfortunately) because it has been my experience that individuals on both sides of any debate (this is especially true for Covid and the vaccines) have a tendency to either:

  1. Fail to properly vet the sources used in their articles
  2. Knowingly engage in distortion, name-calling and hyperbole to get their favored viewpoint across
  3. Latch on to whatever fits their narrative – the facts be damned
  4. Parrot the views of others with whom they agree, and who have also engaged in one or more of the practices listed above.

Resorting to relying upon the work of “fact checkers” – who are supposed to do the objective vetting for us – is generally pointless, as most have their own viewpoints and biases and are often working on behalf of “establishment” interests.  I could write an entire VOLUME on the absurdity and corruption of what passes for “fact checking”.

Never in the history of mankind have we had greater access to such a tremendous volume of information at our fingertips than we do right now.  That access is cheap, easy to obtain and available to all.  Yet the irony here is that what appears to be an abundance of “information” is actually an echo chamber of battling ideological pundits with a strong dose of censorship and propaganda thrown in for good measure.

Pull up a dozen or more articles on a particular topic and you will often times see the same words, phrases, and ideas repeated over-and-over again Ad nauseum. I’ve seen what purport to be originally authored articles repeated word-for-word across multiple sites.  Original thought and analysis have been replaced by ideological templates, sound bytes and talking points.

This has caused me no small amount of aggravation – especially over the last week while researching Covid.  While there is no doubt that the media, government and our other established institutions are engaging in narrative control and censorship, it is also true that their opponents are also often times guilty of similar offenses.

During my research over the past week, I noted that several vaccine skeptics were circulating videos of an alleged “doctor” and “researcher” by the name of Geert Vanden Bossche.  My vetting of Dr. Vanden Bossche revealed he is actually a doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM).  While that’s not immediately disqualifying, a search of major scientific publishing “scrapers” shows no research published by VanDen Bossche over at least the last 20 years.  Indeed further investigation shows he hasn’t published any peer-reviewed research since about 1995.  He does not see patients, and has no clinical experience in the treatment of humans that I can discern.

He did pull a stint at the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation – but the Gates Foundation has a somewhat checkered reputation and doesn’t always spend its’ money wisely or benevolently.  The Gates Foundation also funds MANY people, and not all are highly qualified.  This does NOT necessarily mean that Dr. Vanden Bossche’s warnings about the vaccines are patently incorrect, but it does raise serious questions.  I only spend time on him here because he represents an example of vaccine critique that skeptics would be better served ignoring until or unless he can better prove his case.  Giving the mysterious Dr. Vanden Bossche’s theories credibility only serves to undermine those who have legitimate concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy.

Another example (also Covid related) is a former Pfizer employee, alleged “whistleblower” and self-proclaimed “biotech analyst” named Karen Kingston.  Numerous vaccine skeptics are touting her claims and “expertise” in criticizing the safety of the Pfizer jab.  Here’s the problem:  while Ms. Kingston did work for Pfizer, it was in their marketing department from 1996-1998!

Kingston appears to have no scientific background, and didn’t even work for the company at the time the vaccines were developed. Indeed, her work with Pfizer was 21 years prior to the appearance of Covid-19!  Among other things, Kingston claims the vaccine contains graphene oxide (a rather toxic substance), and that it was developed as a “bioweapon”.  While even a cursory review of the literature shows research has been conducted into the use of graphene oxide in vaccines (contrary to the claims of many “fact checkers”), Kingston provides NO hard evidence it is present in any of the jabs.  The claim that the Pfizer jab is a “bioweapon” is an extraordinary one.  While extraordinary claims are not necessarily untrue, it is wise to remember that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” – something Kingston has not yet provided.

I’m increasingly frustrated with how difficult it is to reliably identify competent research and clinical evidence that challenges the prevailing narratives surrounding Covid and the vaccines.  It isn’t that good evidence and credible critics don’t exist, it’s that separating the wheat from the chaff  has become extremely challenging.  At least some of the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Covid critics, who in their eagerness to discredit the entire pandemic response, are willing to pounce upon anyone that says what they want to hear.  Responsibility also lies with a government and media complex that have not only been lacking in transparency, but have also engaged in disinformation, information suppression, and character assassination.

When you politicize science the scientific method is the first casualty, and truth is further obscured.  Bad policy decisions inevitably follow, and people suffer needlessly.  Be careful out there, and strive to be judicious when evaluating the “experts” and their evidence – whatever side they’re on.  I’m doing the best I can.

Covid Updates:

In a study published in the Lancet, researchers observed that vaccinated individuals who were infected with the Delta variant had 251 times the viral load than those who had been infected with the original strain in early 2020 (who were unvaccinated).  There have been several different interpretations of the findings of this paper, but I think the primary takeaway is this statement by the authors:

Breakthrough Delta variant infections following Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccination may cause asymptomatic or mild disease, but are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. Epidemiological and sequence data suggested ongoing transmission had occurred between fully vaccinated individuals.

In other words, at least the AstraZeneca vaccine appears to have not prevented transmission of Covid-19 to others.  A full reading of the paper seems to confirm that this is a minimally reasonable conclusion.  This appears to further undermine the notion that the vaccinated cannot readily infect others.

Geneticist Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude  was formerly a researcher at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm).  Dr. Henrion-Caude has been at the forefront challenging the safety of the mRNA vaccines.  Dr. Henrion-Caude appears to have left Inserm in 2021 due in part to differences of opinion with her colleagues, who formerly regarded her as “brilliant” but now just a “conspiracy theorist” – funny that. I believe this interview with Dr. Henrion-Caude is worth your time:

Dr Steven R Gundry is a retired cardiologist and the former Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Loma Linda University.  Dr. Gundry published an abstract of his poster session in Circulation, a publication of the American Heart Association (AHA)  Gundry concludes:

…the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination

It should be noted that like many other healthcare professionals expressing concerns about the Covid vaccinations, an “expression of concern” was filed with the AHA regarding Gundry’s poster session (i.e., he is in the process of being cancelled and discredited).

Dr. Daniel Stock is a primary care physician from Indiana who advocates for early therapeutic treatment of Covid infected patients using a combination of vitamin D, zinc, and ivermectin:

Like Dr. Stock, Dr. Mary Bowden is a Houston area ENT who has been treating her Covid patients proactively with ivermectin and supplements.  For her efforts, Dr. Bowden was suspended by Houston Methodist Hospital, after which, she resigned and gave a statement to the press:

Here are some interesting statistics on her Covid patients from her website:

  • 57% of our patients testing for COVID-19 in the last 2 months were fully vaccinated.

  • 44% of our patients receiving monoclonal antibodies for symptomatic COVID-19 in the last 2 months were fully vaccinated.

  • Overall % positive rate in the last 30 days: 4%

This is what happens to Dr. Bowden’s patients when they are hospitalized and she isn’t permitted to intervene:

According to Dr. Bowden, she had to rely increasingly on ivermectin, as access to monoclonal antibody treatment has become more restricted by governmental authorities.  It appears she is being “cancelled” because she is willing to try something rather than stand by and allow her patients to die.

Covid Authoritarianism:

Few can deny governments around the world have leveraged the Covid-19 pandemic to institute all manner of authoritarian restrictions on the citizenry.

In New York state, Governor Kathy Hochul declared a “State of Emergency” lasting at least through January 15, 2022, over a Covid variant (omicron) that hasn’t yet been found in the U.S., and which South African health officials claim has caused only mild symptoms.

This has again resulted in the suspension of “non-essential” surgeries, potentially setting up the citizens of New York for a healthcare crisis of a different sort.

Australia has entered a whole new realm of insanity.  Michael Gunner, Chief Minister of the Northern Territory has ordered the relocation of indigenous persons in Australia’s NT to be placed in “quarantine camps” by military personnel.

Speaking of Michael Gunner, he seems like a reasonable and pleasant fellow with absolutely NO totalitarian traits whatsoever:

The Rule of Law Dies:

Darrell Brooks used his SUV to mow down dozens of people at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  Most U.S. media news outlets act as if Brooks’ motive is a total mystery.  Others suspect his affections for BLM and his disdain for the Rittenhouse verdict might be strong motives.  His social media history (which was grabbed before it was deleted) was certainly interesting.

Brooks was released by an activist DA on $1,000 bail just a few days prior to the Christmas parade attack.  His most recent offense involved beating up his girlfriend and running her over with his car.  Apparently, no danger to the community at all.

Milwaukee district attorney John Chisholm is a big fan of “equity” and “bail reform”, having once remarked of his policies:

Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody? You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.

Meanwhile, an epidemic of mob-based smash-and-grab robberies are plaguing California.  Businesses already struggling with staffing shortages, supply chain issues, and reeling from the pandemic are saying this could be the end.

Even sex offenders are being released – and going on to immediately re-offend (of course).

Salvation Army goes Woke:

Unfortunately I found this out just after I’d already made a sizable contribution, but it seems that the Salvation Army has hired “diversity equity and inclusion” (DEI) staff, and gone woke.  Kenny Xu over at the Daily Signal does a nice breakdown of Salvation Army’s “Let’s talk about racism” CRT training.

Finally Good News:

It appears with at least 5 Democratic Senators formally announcing their opposition, Biden’s Marxist nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, is history.  Omarova had called for bankrupting America’s oil and gas industry, and abolishing private banks altogether.  Now we wait for the next Biden nut-job nominee.

Finally the Independent Community Bank Association reports that the IRS bank snooping build was omitted from the House version of “Build Back Better”.  However, ICBA noted that some members of the Senate are pushing to put it back in, again.

Parting Thoughts:

Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

— Theodore Dalrymple

Covid Economics Government Regulation Taxation Uncategorized Woke

Nov. 14, 2021

PLEASE NOTE: there have been some recent technical issues with this site that may have made it intermittently inaccessible.  The DNS propagation of the domain “” was being interrupted.  The issue now appears resolved, but I find it strange that my other domains on the same host were not affected.

This week:  more Coronadoom news (including the introduction of “health equity”); the IRS bank snooping bill is back – again; the wokesters declare “math is racist”; and a terrifying assault on Press freedom by the Biden Administration.

Coronadoom News:

In Texas, if you have Covid and are black or latino you can easily receive monoclonal antibody treatment (the most effective therapeutic for keeping you out of the hospital).  If you’re white however, not so much:

I predicted this would happen years ago:  once the government started calling the shots on your healthcare, they would “reverse discriminate” based on race and/or sex and/or sexual orientation, at first, using some form of convoluted reasoning.  This is referred to as “health equity“.  Now, here it is.

Covid-infected POCs have been designated as “high-risk” compared to other races – allegedly due to higher rates of mortality.  But outside of the pat explanation of “white supremacy” very little effort has been put into figuring out “why”.  Are they not receiving the holy sacrament of vaccination? Are they more likely to delay seeking treatment?  Perhaps they have a higher incidence of co-morbidities?  Regardless, each patient is an individual case, and if you’re dying, you’re dying.  So how can the medical profession justify a one-size-fits-all approach based solely on skin color?

Even if you do not currently face imminent death from Covid, research clearly shows that early intervention is key to keeping you from winding up hospitalized.  Patients should be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and monitored for deterioration of their condition if they are initially refused monoclonal antibody treatment.  And perhaps there should be more emphasis on increasing the supply of monoclonal antibody drugs instead of finding absurd rationalizations for restricting their use?

In 2016 “Statnews” ran a piece exposing questionable practices and a toxic work culture at vax maker Moderna.  I’m linking to a post covering the original article because the poster did a nice job of highlighting some scary and prescient bits that seem very relevant today.  A link to the original article is available in the post for doubters.  One money quote:

It’s highly risky. Big pharma companies had tried similar work and abandoned it because it’s exceedingly hard to get RNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects.

CDC’s push to vaccinate your kids is (understandably) not going over so well.  Here’s a picture that sums-up the sentiments of many:

Dr. Robert Malone (co-developer of mRNA vaccine technology) on vaccinating your kids:

Ah, but our leaders are – uh, leading the way!  Showing us plebs how it’s done by doing their civic duty and getting boosted.  Or maybe, not…..?

To briefly recount the history of the pandemic response:

  1. 2 weeks to flatten the curve – keep hospitals from becoming overwhelmed
  2. Extended lockdowns and masking because of  “cases”!
  3. Once we have enough people vaccinated or naturally recovered to achieve 70% herd immunity we can go back to normal
  4. Natural immunity is useless, get vaccinated or you’ll kill grandma!
  5. “Crisis of the unvaccinated” – mandates!

Well prepare for the goal posts to be moved once again.  Coming soon (probably), “fully vaccinated” will now require endless boosters:

Here’s another example of the upside-down banana republic that was formerly the “United States”:  Border Patrol agents will be fired if they aren’t vaxxed, but we cannot deport illegal aliens from Nicaragua under Title 42.  Recall, Congress has already rejected testing requirements for illegals being released into the United States, but if you’re visiting from a foreign country on business or for leisure, you must be tested.

Make sure to check out “CDC Admits Crushing Rights of Naturally Immune Without Proof They Transmit the Virus“.  A FOIA request indicates the CDC has “no data” on the transmission of Covid by naturally immune individuals.  You’d think that would be something they would definitely want to track, since it could conceivably bolster their argument for vaccination over natural immunity.  My guess?  They have the data and are claiming to not have the data, because it doesn’t fit their narrative.  Or maybe they really are just feckless incompetents – hard to say for sure.

Once again, the Simpsons predicted all of this:

More on IRS Snooping:

As I’ve covered previously, there was a proposal for the IRS to snoop on Americans’ bank accounts with >$600 in combined transactions annually.  Then Sen. Ron Wyden claimed they were going to increase that threshold to $10,000.  Then they claimed it was removed from “Build Back Better”.  Then they put it back in with the original $600 threshold.  Then they removed it – again.  Now it’s back in – again, with a few tweaks.

To explain those “tweaks”: the latest version would double-report payments from 3rd party processors Apple Pay, Venmo, Paypal, etc.  I say “double-report” because the “American Rescue Plan” passed earlier last spring already contained a provision to report your receipt of payments by those platforms.  Now, if those payments go into your bank account, they will be reported again.

The major change here is this clearly targets primarily small businesses and gig-workers (which was the primary mission all along), not ALL Americans as did the original proposal, and certainly not “billionaires” as Biden and Pelosi claimed.  Stay tuned – this could revert back to the original dragnet at any time.

Speaking of Banking:

In the Biden Administration’s seemingly never ending quest to turn the United States into a socialist dystopia, he has nominated one Saule Omarova to the position of “Comptroller of the Currency”.  The Comptroller of the Currency:

…serves to charter, regulate, and supervise all national banks and thrift institutions and the federally licensed branches and agencies of foreign banks in the United States

— Wikipedia

You might be surprised to learn that Ms. Omarova was born in the Soviet Union, and is an admirer of their economic system.  She has opined that she would like to starve the U.S. coal, oil and gas industries of capital, causing them to go bankrupt in the name of remedying “climate change” (that’s nearly 10 million direct jobs):

At least, we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?

— Saule Omarova

She would also like to eliminate all private bank accounts and put them under the control of the Fed:

Woke Updates:

While the supply chain burns to the ground, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg wants you to know that America’s highways are racist (yes, really) – and he’s just the guy to fix that.

California is planning to “de-mathematize” math, because, racism.  Meanwhile (with all that de-mathematizing going on), the Pentagon frets about the lack of STEM talent in the defense industries and military ranks.  Guess things aren’t going to get better any time soon.  China is going to clean our clocks. But hey, diversity!

The Orwell Files:

The home of independent journalist James O’Keefe (Project Veritas) was unceremoniously raided by those nice fellas from the FBI over a lost diary belonging to Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley.  Most suspect that Mr. O’Keefe’s whistleblowing gonzo journalism had more to do with the raid than the diary.

What makes the O’Keefe raid particularly disturbing is that the FBI apparently leaked information to the New York Times before the raid, and then proceeded to leak private cellphone data to the Times after they searched O’Keefe’s phone.  It should be noted that O’Keefe is currently embroiled in a defamation lawsuit he filed against the Times.  Ironic, no?

The fireworks are still coming in the wake of parental anger against local school boards teaching their children CRT.  In Scottsdale, Arizona it appears that the school board President, Jann-Michael Greenberg had compiled quite the dossier on his detractors.  This included photos of their kids and private investigator reports.  Parents were reportedly tailed by the PIs and background searches performed.

Remember the infamous “Pee Pee Dossier” the DNC and media pushed for 4 years during the Trump Administration?  “Russia Russia Russia!”  Well in case you haven’t heard, it was all a hoax concocted by Hillary Clinton and used by Barack Obama to justify warrantless spying on a Presidential candidate.  The rest is history – 4 years of unrelenting caterwauling that parallelized a lawfully elected President – like him or not.  Special Counsel John Durham has quietly continued his investigation, and there have been indictments (more on the way).

A Rhetorical Question:

In an age and in a place of seemingly endless assaults on common decency and the rule-of-law, is there any obligation to obey the lawgivers?  Asking for a friend.

Climate Change Covid Government Regulation Immigration Supply Chain Taxation Woke

Nov. 7, 2021

There is so much happening right now it’s hard to keep up with it all, especially given my limited time to devote to this blog. I’m doing my best to highlight some of the most important topics, but inevitably, there are some I will miss. This week: vax damage, immigration hijinks, energy shortages, abuses by the trans-lobby, the “bi-partisan” infrastructure bill, and green energy madness.

Questions about the Vax:

A Swedish investigation into the spike protein present in the Coronadoom (which is also produced by the vax) shows that the protein interferes with the ability of your cells to repair DNA. This leads to concerns about long-term cancer risk.

Nurses across the country are reporting an inordinate number of very sick people in the nation’s hospitals. Over 80% of these individuals have been fully vaccinated, and the majority are NOT suffering from Covid.


Most shocking perhaps, is how doctors and administrators refuse to report the rising number of unexplained medical problems in otherwise healthy people as potential adverse reactions to the COVID-19 experimental vaccine shots.

Dr. Peter McCullough: The spike protein damages the heart and is deadly inside the human body:

Dr. Robert Kaplan of the Stanford School of Medicine shares his concerns about the vax with Ron Johnson’s Senate subcommittee:

MIT research scientist Retsef Levi discusses the government-led campaign to silence scientific debate on the Covid vax:

The family of an elderly man who died of Covid-19, donated his body to “science” in accordance with his wishes.  They subsequently discovered that he was dissected in front of a live audience – not for scientific purposes – but for the “dark entertainment” of paying, degenerate onlookers.

Swiss Policy Research on the efficacy (or lack thereof) of mask mandates.

More research out of Israel indicating that the vax has no impact on mortality rates when compared to low-vax Palestine.  But, but, boosters!

Crisis of the unvaccinated?  A year long study shows the vaccinated spread Delta.

Infrastructure Bill:

The House passed the $1.75 trillion “infrastructure” bill with the help of 13 feckless virtue-signaling Republicans.  So what’s in it exactly? We’ve been told it is all about “roads and bridges”, yet only $110 billion of the bill is allocated for that purpose.  There is $55 billion for upgrades and repairs to America’s dilapidated electrical grid, and other monies for ports, broadband, and airports.

But then, there is the crazy stuff:

  • $500 million for “tree equity” (WTF is that?)
  • $400 million giveaway to bloated Universities
  • $75 million for a study on how to tax Americans for road usage based on income level (per mile)
  • $750 million to Washington D.C. for their public transport system
  • Billions for “climate change” nonsense

Read the rest here.

The Climate Change Scam:

Washington has a plan, and it involves eliminating the use of ALL fossil fuels and replacing them (apparently) with thousands of windmills and solar panels.  We won’t get into the absurdity of “climate change” or the complete unworkability of this scheme today, but let’s just say you should be prepared for massive energy shortages.  Your way of life is being systematically destroyed based on “models”. You may even experience blackouts this winter, and certainly, skyrocketing energy prices.

The plan to eliminate fossil fuels from America’s power grid is called “Net Zero”.  Treasury Secretary Janet “granny” Yellen estimates the price tag at $150 trillion (which means the real cost is probably 2-3x’s that amount).

You and your family may freeze to death, but hey, mother earth has a temperature and it’s all your fault!

So what is the Administration doing to help alleviate this problem?

The Trans-Lobby and White Women Racists:

Question: What happens when the interests of one favored “oppressed” group conflicts with those of another? Which side will the Progressive social engineers take?  It all depends on which group best helps them advance their Marxist agenda at any given moment.  Ladies of America, prepare to be tossed under the bus! Feminism is dead, long live Trans!

White suburban women were instrumental in putting Joe Biden over the top in 2020.  Now apparently, they are all racists.

Youngkin not only ran on racism — he ran on a very specific kind of racism targeted at white women. And white women came through for him. 

— David Roberts, Vox

In another interesting case, a teenage girl reported a sexual assault to school officials in Charlotte, NC.  The alleged perpetrator confessed to police and was subsequently charged.  So why was the victim suspended?  We don’t know anything yet about the perp, but stay tuned – there is always a “reason”.

Cultural Enrichment, Demographic Terraforming:

By now almost anyone with a pulse knows our southern border is totally out-of-control.  What you may not know, is that the Biden Administration would like to give $450,000 to each person “traumatized” by Customs and Border Enforcement.  It is estimated that about $1 million would be paid to each family. 

Think about that, then look at your 401K. Now look at your paystub.  Biden initially said the report was “garbage”,  then walked it back and said he was talking about the amount.  Then the White House said they would be “comfortable” with a settlement.

Europe has it’s own problems with “cultural enrichment”.  Gang rapes are on the rise, and in Germany, half are committed by migrants.

Migration research must question how it can happen that a young girl becomes a victim of men who come from another cultural area. This has simply not happened so far.

— Necla Kelek, Women’s Rights Advocate

Necla, you are no longer useful to the Progressive establishment.  Time to submit to the migrant lobby for the good of the collective!

Supply Chain Woes:

This is an excellent article by a 20-year trucker that succinctly describes the supply chain cluster fuck from the perspective of truck drivers.

Covid Government Regulation Taxation Woke

Oct. 31, 2021

A closer look at the psychopathy of Tony Fauci.  More Covid and vax news and analysis. Startling new details on the status of the IRS bank snooping proposal tucked inside the “Build Back Better” infrastructure bill.  The frightening consequences of America’s new “woke” military, and much more.

Tony Fauci – America’s Josef Mengele :

Investigative journalist Sharri Markson has so far uncovered a total of 65 experiments funded by St. Fauci and the NIH at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Many of these experiments are still on-going, and include brutal animal testing of questionable scientific value.

Some questions:

  1. Did the American taxpayers fund the SARS-COV2 virus that is now plaguing the world?
  2. Are Fauci and NIH funding barbaric animal experiments in China, Tunisia and elsewhere to avoid both strict animal testing guidelines in the U.S. as well as public scrutiny?

Fauci also stands accused of funding psychological torture experiments on primates. Portions of the monkeys’ brains were damaged, and they were then terrorized by fake predators like snakes and giant spiders:

Covid and the Vaxx:

While the Biden Administration’s draconian vaccine mandates stand to put millions of Americans out of work for non-compliance, the President and his Congressional colleagues seemed none-too-concerned about the vax status of thousands of illegal aliens.  Indeed, the DHS is flying hundreds of thousands from our southern border, and depositing them all throughout the U.S.  Yet, when Republican Congressmen proposed a bill that would require Covid-19 testing for all illegals being processed into the U.S., it was rejected by 217 House Democrats.


  1. If it’s OK to fire even critical American workers like firefighters, EMS, police, military personnel, and healthcare workers all in the name of stopping the spread of Covid, why are we flying thousands of potentially infected 3rd world migrants all over the country?
  2. The Democrats have been the most vocal advocates of Covid testing and vaccinations.  Why is this different?

We’ve mentioned Dr. Peter McCullough before.  Here he is in a recent talk discussing mRNA safety and efficacy and the need (and general absence) for early treatment:

Dr. McCullough has a show on America Out Loud called the McCullough Report, if you’re interested.

“Vaccine Hesitancy” isn’t just some aberrant American conspiracy theory or Trumpian political plot.  In Germany, some are beginning to suspend boosters due to disconcerting adverse reactions including myocarditis [Note: this is a German language article, so click on the “English” button for translation].

Now a very frank discussion from a panel of doctors and researchers on the Covid pandemic and the implications of mRNA vaccine use (including mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone).  Also discussed: Covid is a “fear pandemic” that is destroying the psychological well-being of particularly children. I’m amazed ScrewTube hasn’t pulled it yet.  Please watch while you still can:  Note:  as predicted, YouTube banned this video, so an alternate source has been provided below:

Again, this panel points out an inconvenient fact noted by Dr. McCullough – that the spike proteins the vax codes for are perhaps the most dangerous portion of the virus.


  1. Is the widespread use of the mRNA vaccines (and many boosters) creating for SARS-COV2, a form of robust resistance and “smarter” mutations?
  2. If we can’t “vaccinate our way out of this problem”, why are we pushing so many boosters? Why are we ignoring therapeutics for early treatment? Why are the advocates for therapeutics being censored and ignored?
  3. The doctors on the panel state we are not so much in a medical pandemic as a “fear pandemic”.  Who has stoked that fear, and why?  Who benefits?

About that IRS Bank Snooping Bill:

In a previous post we discussed a proposal buried in the “Build Back Better” infrastructure bill that would force banks to report your account activity when the total of the inflows and outflows from that account total $600 or more per year – a dragnet of all Americans’ bank accounts.

Sen. Ron Wyden – one of the proponents of that bill – stated that they would raise that threshold from $600 to $10000 and not count W2 income as part of that total. This would still mean very little, because even if your W2 income isn’t counted your expenditures are, and who doesn’t spend more than $10,000/yr to live?

Then we were told that this provision was so controversial, that the Democrats were going to totally remove the bank snooping provision.

HOWEVER, the House released the full text of “BBB” on Thursday Oct. 28, 2021, and guess what was in that bill?  The ORIGINAL proposal of a $600 threshold with no exemptions for W2 income.  They lied to all of us!

The Supply Chain Crisis:

Some may find the video below to be a bit dry and perhaps boring, but I think it is really important to try and dissect the myriad reasons for the supply chain crisis.

One of the most important punchlines from Sal’s video is that the Federal Government is trying to “solve” the port backlog by levying horrendous fines against shipping companies for not removing containers (empties or exports).  But because of the way most shipping contracts are written, these costs will be passed on to the shippers and therefore ultimately, to consumers (i.e. YOU). This would exacerbate inflation and do little to clear port congestion.

Wokeism is Destroying Our Military:

Whether the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is pearl-clutching over “white rage“, or the Administration is making a transgendered pediatrician a 4-star Admiral, the U.S. military seems to have some very upside-down priorities.  This actually began under the Obama Administration, where then President Obama conspired to remove qualified old-school generals and admirals from the U.S. armed forces and replace them with “woke” officers beholding to leftist social engineering.  This is a practice that has been continued under the Biden Administration.

Case in point:  the destruction and total loss of a $2 billion amphibious assault ship – the U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard.  The Bonhomme Richard was set ablaze by an arsonist in July 2020 while the ship was docked for maintenance operations.  The loss of the Bonhomme Richard was ultimately not due so much to the arson, but the fact that the crew failed to follow fire suppression and alarm protocols.

According to an official U.S. Navy report:

“Although the fire was started by an act of arson, the ship was lost due to an inability to extinguish the fire,” the report said, concluding that “repeated failures” by an “inadequately prepared crew” delivered “an ineffective fire response.”

Members of Congress have become increasingly concerned over the lack of combat-ready preparedness in the military, due in large part to an emphasis on questionable social engineering policies.

Covid Supply Chain Woke

Oct. 24, 2021

Today’s dump pulls the mask off of St. Fauci and details how the government is sabotaging therapeutic treatments for those infected with Coronadoom.  Discover some of the critical reasons for the supply chain snarl and product shortages that the MSM isn’t covering.  Learn about why “Woke to Broke” may be in all of our futures, and the dystopian nightmare world of “Wokeism”.

St. Fauci has Fallen:

In 2019 Fauci and his chums from “Kewl Scientists Club” met to discuss their frustration with the slow progress of vaccine technology. If only there was a way to bypass the years of safety testing and randomized trials.  Hmmm, maybe a “disruptive” event?

Fauci was asked repeatedly by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky whether he and NIH Director Francis Collins funded “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Lab in China.  Fauci adamantly denied doing this.  What is “gain of function”?  In this case, it is an attempt to take something like a bat virus and try to make it communicable to humans, and generally, to make it more infectious.

Well, it turns out that St. Fauci lied – again.  Indeed, he was outed by the NIH in a letter dated October 20, 2021.  Russell Brand (certainly no right-winger) does a nice 10 minute treatment of the sins of St. Fauci:

Not confined to treating humans like guinea pigs, it looks like St. Fauci isn’t a fan of puppies either.

Australian immunologist and geneticist Professor Edward Steele has a few choices words about vaccine safety you might find interesting:

Now imagine you’ve had your vax (or not), wore your mask, but you still got Covid.  You’re getting sicker and it’s getting scary.  You go to the doctor and he prescribes a therapeutic drug for off-label use in an effort to try and save your life.  Good luck getting the woke pharmacist to fill it!

Broken Supply Chain:

The next video does an excellent job of explaining what’s going on at the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach.  At present, somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 cargo vessels are waiting to dock. Yet of the 100’s of cranes only a handful are operating, and despite Biden’s assurances the port is definitely NOT open 24/7.  What’s the problem?  Government regulations!  I’ll let Sal explain:

Gosh it’s almost as though Mayor Pete wants to create supply chain shortages?

So if you are one of the unlucky Americans that decided to buy a new car this year you may have had some trouble due to chip shortages.  For those of you that bought a used car instead, keeping it on the road may be challenging because now there’s a shortage of auto parts!

Woke Dystopia:

I pity anyone with school-aged kids, I really do.  Their minds are being filled with woke CRT mush as school boards seek to demonize white people and destroy every shred of whatever moral fiber remains.

One school district in Massachusetts is segregating kids by race, gender, and ethnic background. They’ve set up a tattletale system of child-informants that would make Stalin or the East German Stasi blush with envy.  They are not above taking punitive action against kids for using “offensive” words like “normal” even outside school grounds.  I mean WTAF?

You know it’s bad when an ex-KGB spook points out the insanity of America’s woke culture. He’s even compared what’s happening here to the social policies of the former Soviet Union.

Ah, but woke is not just for kids!  The new infrastructure bill would introduce wokeism into your retirement planning – all for the good of mother earth.  If you don’t know what ESG is yet, you will soon.